Posted in Finance, Investing

Norma Walton Comments on Conviction and Sentencing

For the first time since criminal charges were laid in April 2016, Norma Walton comments publicly on her conviction and sentencing.  She reviews the facts concerning the acrimonious civil and criminal litigation that has occurred with her ex-partner Dr. Stanley Karl Bernstein.  She shares the context and history of the business relationship in the hope that viewers, readers and those that are interested can analyze and form their own views of the situation once they know the facts.


Norma Walton is an entrepreneur, mother, wife, friend and sister. When she is not working, Norma Walton – who is also a full-time mom of four young children in addition to being a real estate entrepreneur – can be found running after her children, trying to fit in a quick walk to the grocery store, or watching her children play hockey at the rink. She enjoys sharing her observations on life as they come to her and tries to always view the glass as half full.

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